Growing Minds In Agriculture Technology Scholarship

Established in 2021 by Edward Reddy, the Growing Minds in Agriculture Technology Scholarship is available to students who have completed an Agricultural Sciences diploma, and are returning to full-time studies in the Fall at Lakeland College in the Bachelor of Agriculture Technology, Vermilion campus. Awarded based on:

  • Academic achievement.
  • Demonstration of how the student has overcome barriers to achieve their educational goals and enhance their career opportunities.
  • Must be a Canadian citizen.

Applicants must include a ‘500 word essay’ answering the question: How have you overcome barriers to achieve your educational goals and enhance your career opportunities?

Agricultural Sciences, Year-End
Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you been accepted into the Bachelor of Agriculture Technology at Lakeland College for next Fall?
  2. Please describe your contribution to college and community life, including involvement in student affairs, leadership activities, athletics, and community events or organizations.
  3. Applicants must include a ‘500 word essay’ answering the question: How have you overcome barriers to achieve your educational goals and enhance your career opportunities?