Jason Lang Scholarship

Made available in 2000 by Alberta Student Aid, the Jason Lang Scholarship is used to recognize the academic achievement of Albertans who have completed at least one year of study and are continuing in their 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of study. Award based on the following criteria:
• Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, or Protected Person (visa students are not eligible).
• Alberta resident.
• Enrolled in an undergraduate post-secondary program in Alberta at least 2 years in length.
• Displays Academic achievement (at least 80% or 3.20 GPA) in their previous year of study
• Enrolled in at least 80% of a full course load (based on institutional requirements) in the previous year of study.
• Enrolled in at least 60% of a full course load at the time they receive the scholarship.
• Aren’t receiving a Louise McKinney Scholarship for the same period of study.

Possible recipients are identified by the Financial Aid & Awards Office and given opportunity to apply. A list of nominees is sent to the Alberta Student Aid for final approval. Scholarship funds are paid directly to the recipients by Alberta Student Aid.

Government, Year-End