Bob & Shirley Cameron

Bob & Shirley Cameron

The Anne-Marie Cameron Memorial Scholarship was created in 2006 after this former Lakeland College student passed away. Anne-Marie’s the daughter of the former Lakeland College Head of Welding Trades’ Robert “Bob” Cameron and his wife Shirley. Bob & Shirley created this scholarship to support other young ladies studying Animal Herd Health & Diversified Livestock programs, as this was Anne-Marie’s chosen profession. Coming from a farming background, 4-H Canada, her love of horses and all animals in general made Lakeland College a perfect choice for Anne-Marie to attend.


Anne-Marie attended Lakeland College for Animal Herd Health Technology program in1993-1995. She enjoyed the program as well as the extra-curricular activities the College provided, especially the Rodeo Club and Barrel Racing as this meant her horse Tuff could go to College also. She graduated in the spring of 1995. That spring she took her learned knowledge and learned skills from Lakeland College & her life skills to a Lloydminster Pro Rodeo contest and was crowned Miss Rodeo Lloydminster. From that win she took a break from college to enter the Miss Rodeo Canada Pageant along with 12 other competitors for the chance to represent the Pro Rodeo circuit for 1996 year. This Pageant was a part of the November 1995 Canadian Finals Rodeo in Edmonton, Alberta. There she won 1st place in the Public Speaking contest as well as the honor of being Miss Rodeo Canada 1st runner up for the Pro Rodeo 1996 year. Along with duties from that win she returned to Lakeland College in the spring of 1996 and graduated the Diversified Livestock program. With this certificate she went to work at the Tellier Alpaca farm in Bonnyville, AB. Later on, she moved to Calgary to work at the BURWASH Equine (Vet) Services located just west of the city of Calgary. She loved working with a variety of horses there and made good use of her Lakeland College education. Anne-Marie with a smile was always willing to ‘Lend a Hand’. Thus, our wish to “lend a hand” by creating this Memorial Scholarship. So, we wish to whomever receives this scholarship – Good Luck on all your future endeavors.
Happy Trails.
